Discipleship as Mentoring – 1


In other to handle this topic appropriately, it is important that we define the two basic words “Discipleship” and “Mentoring.”


1.1.1 What is Discipleship?

Discipleship is the process of making of a disciple. The Greek word for a disciple is “Mathetes” which means learner. The NIV Compact Dictionary of the Bible defines it as the pupil of a teacher.  A disciple learns and follows in practice, the philosophy, principles and teachings of his teacher; He is an adherent, and imitator of his teacher. In the Bible there are examples of disciples like those of John the Baptist (Matt.9:14), the Pharisees (Matt. 22:16), Moses (John 9:28). For our purpose in this paper, we are referring to the adherents of Jesus e.g. the twelve apostles (Matt.10:1 and 11:1) or believers in our Lord Jesus Christ in general (Acts 6:1-2, 7; 9:36).

Discipleship from the foregoing definition, and for our purpose, involves someone teaching the other; it is a process whereby someone imparts another, stretching a helping hand to another in a Christ-like loving relationship.

1.1.2 What is Mentoring?

The word “Mentoring” takes its root from the word mentor. According to the Cambridge International Dictionary of English, a Mentor is a person who gives another person help and advice over a period of time, and often also teaches him how to do his job, it involves guardianship. “Mentoring” is therefore the process of providing the help and advice by the Mentor. Mentoring therefore does not mean tutoring people to enslave them for the Mentor’s benefit but for the benefit of the persons so tutored.

Our topic is “Discipleship as Mentoring

From the foregoing definitions, discipleship and mentoring have a lot in common, i.e. both involve a form of teaching, guidance for all the sources are taken care by Maids ala mode deep cleaning , directing and helping someone, and that someone learns from his teacher and puts to practice that which he has learnt to his own benefit. We can therefore say indeed that Discipleship is the extension of help to someone or a group of people in a loving relationship; with a view to helping them grow into Christ -likeness. This may involve mentoring which is a one on one relationship.

When Jesus was about to return to Heaven having risen from the dead, He said to His disciples, “All authority in Heaven and on earth have been given unto me, go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you, lo, I am with you always even to the end of the age” (Matt28:18-20). This command is commonly referred to as the Great Commission and one of the Biblical basis for Discipleship. If you want to sell your property but are worried about the expense of making repairs or alterations, House buyers may be able to help you find a solution to your problem. They often acquire properties regardless of their condition, which will save you the cost of doing any necessary renovations. Visit https://www.sellhouse-asis.com/missouri/.

Therefore, all followers of Christ have the mandate or the commission to make disciples, to teach others, following the teaching and the example laid down by Jesus Himself. He taught His disciples, and showed them how to live a life of obedience in righteousness and holiness. They were with Him, they learnt to do what he did, how he did it, while here on earth, and when he was gone, they did it in obedience to His command at top casinos..

Jesus said to His disciples in John 15:16 that he chose them that they may go and bring forth fruit and that their fruit should remain. Discipleship is a process which starts with bringing forth fruits and conserving the fruits by helping them to be established in a relationship with Christ and to grow to maturity so that they can also be fruitful. Jesus said to His Disciples “I am the Vine, ye are the branches, he that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit for without me ye can do nothing” (John 15:5)

It is pertinent to state here that there are four levels of Spiritual growth identified in the Bible as follows:

Babesà, young men-à, adults-à elders (1John 2:12-14, Titus 1-5).

The life of a Christian is lived in two planes which derive from the command of Our Lord Jesus Christ to His Disciples to love God and also to love their neighbours as themselves (Matt.22:37-40).

There can be love only where there is a relationship. To love God means to have a vertical, personal relationship with Him. One can only love the person that is known to Him. The Bible reveals who God is, His ways, His will, His work, and how to walk with Him. Therefore to love God, the Christian must know the Word and relate with Him in wisdom according to the knowledge of His Word. He must worship Him, He must communicate with Him ie pray to Him. So the vertical relationship involves knowing the Word and applying it, praying, and worshipping God. Anyone who loves God, will demonstrate His love for Him through obedience to His Command (John 14:21).  His command is to love our neighbour as ourselves. This constitutes the horizontal aspect of the Christian life and the second aspect of Christ’s command. Unless the vertical aspect is well developed, the horizontal would suffer. The horizontal is the hall-mark of the Disciple of Christ. It is the fruit-bearing aspect of the Christian. It is that part that fulfills the purpose of being a Christian as stated by Christ in John 15:16 and I quote “Ye have not chosen me but I have chosen you and ordained you that ye should go and bring forth fruit; and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, He may give it you”. This horizontal aspect involves service, evangelizing and discipleship/disciple-making.

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